When we spot a niche where a new tool would offer our students a significantly more pleasant weaving experience, we become inspired to design the optimal tool for the task. We have forged relationships with a variety of skilled local craftsmen, who make these tools for us with meticulous attention to detail.

Vävstuga Designed Tools

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Vävstuga Explorer frame loom
Quantity in Basket: none
Vävstuga tote bag
Quantity in Basket: none
Vävstuga warping mill
Quantity in Basket: none
Extra lease bar for Vävstuga warping mill
Quantity in Basket: none
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Vävstuga magic mill cutter
Quantity in Basket: none
Vävstuga treadle lock
Quantity in Basket: none
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Vävstuga band loom
Quantity in Basket: none
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Travel bag for Vävstuga band loom, choice of colors
Quantity in Basket: none
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Pattern spreader for Vävstuga band loom
Quantity in Basket: none
Lease stick holder for Vävstuga band loom
Quantity in Basket: none
Vävstuga rigid heddle, standard
Quantity in Basket: none
Vävstuga rigid heddle with pattern slots
Quantity in Basket: none
Vävstuga band lock, range of sizes
from $18.00
Quantity in Basket: none
Vävstuga maple band knife
Quantity in Basket: none
Vävstuga weaving sword, range of sizes
from $35.00
Quantity in Basket: none
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Vävstuga trapeze uprights
Quantity in Basket: none
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Vävstuga trapeze upper crossbar, range of sizes
from $24.00
Quantity in Basket: none
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Vävstuga trapeze trappings
Quantity in Basket: none
Vävstuga band knife
Quantity in Basket: none
Vävstuga reed hook
Quantity in Basket: none
Elastic hangers ("shaft bras") (pair)
Quantity in Basket: none
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Vävstuga triangles (pair)
Quantity in Basket: none
Vävstuga reed holders (pair)
Quantity in Basket: none
Vävstuga tube stand ("cone stand")
Quantity in Basket: none
Vävstuga loom bumpers (pair), range of sizes
from $38.00
Quantity in Basket: none
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Vävstuga tube winding adapter
Quantity in Basket: none
Vävstuga cardboard tubes (set of 10)
Quantity in Basket: none
Loom pin cushions (set of 5)
Quantity in Basket: none
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Vävstuga Tie-Up kit for 4-shaft counterbalance
Quantity in Basket: none
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Vävstuga Tie-Up kit for 8-shaft countermarch
Quantity in Basket: none
Vävstuga bench basket
Quantity in Basket: none