Vävstuga band loom

    Vävstuga band loom
    Stock: 99999 available
    Quantity in Basket: None
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    Our Vävstuga band loom fills a niche for those who want to weave plain bands and pick-up bands efficiently and comfortably on a compact and sturdy floor loom. The inkle shedding system spreads out the warp threads to facilitate weaving ornate pick-up patterns. The loom is constructed with mortise and tenon joints, making it easy to disassemble and transport.

    Designed by Vävstuga Tools, this loom is made of Swedish pine and is based in part on a model commonly used in Sweden in years past; Becky's innovations on this design make it unique. Enthusiastic band weavers will love the versatility, strength, and style of this little loom.


    • Band loom
    • 3 removable end pins
    • 1 square locking peg
    • 100 heddles
    • Warping pin + clamp
    • Bobbin shuttle with locking band
    • Instruction booklet for plain weave band

    We've also created a pattern spreader and lease stick holder as optional attachments. To learn about more new attachments as we develop them -- next up include extra beams, raddle, and treadle -- please make sure you are on our mailing list.