Rosengång i Varmvalsverket (Rosepath in the steel mill)

    Roseng&aring;ng i Varmvalsverket <i>(Rosepath in the steel mill)</i>
    Author: Anna Östlund
    Details: Elanders Fälth & Hässler, 2014. 8.25" x 8.25", softcover, 72pp.
    Preview: You can watch our Book Preview video below.
    Stock: 99993 available
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    This is the second of three rosepath books by Anna Östlund. It features 13 weavers who have woven rosepath designs using the colors and textures of the steel mill in Borlänge, where Anna works, as inspiration, in combination with the traditional Dalarna rosepath textiles they love. Bringing together these two unlikely partners in design, we have a collection of delightful and pleasing new pieces in rosepath. Inspiration comes not only from the steel itself, but also from the colors and shapes in the mill, which is beautifully photographed throughout the book. The weaving designs are neatly drafted out on several pages at the back of the book. They could be copied as-is or used as a starting place for your own designing. Each weaver tells a short story about her piece. In Swedish.