Från Januariblues till Decemberröd (From January Blues to December Reds)

    Fr&aring;n Januariblues till Decemberr&ouml;d <i>(From January Blues to December Reds)</i>
    Full title: Från Januariblues till Decemberröd: 18 kuddar i rosengång (From January Blues to December Reds: 18 pillows in rosepath)
    Author: Anna Östlund
    Details: Anna Östlund, 2016. 8.25" x 8.25", hardcover, 52pp.
    Preview: You can watch our Book Preview video below.
    Stock: 99993 available
    Quantity in Basket: None

    Anna Östlund's third book of inspirational rosepath designs woven on opposites presents a group of 18 stunning pillows in a rainbow of colors and patterns. Each month of the year inspires a new pillow design. When Anna ran out of blue yarn near the end of a January project, she noticed that the piece reflected January colors and left it as it was. She proceeded to weave a new rosepath piece each month, letting the time of year dictate the design and the use of colors. The idea of pillow covers came partway through the year. Luckily, Anna also made this delightful little book of her pieces. A few pages in the back of the book give detailed instructions for threading and treadling ideas, as well as a description of materials used. Each pillow is beautifully photographed with a small amount of text to go with each month. In Swedish.