Eesti Kirivööd (Estonian Bands)

    Eesti Kiriv&ouml;&ouml;d <i>(Estonian Bands)</i>
    Author: Piia Rand
    Details: Saara Kirjastus, 2013. 8.5" x 10", hardcover, 280pp.
    Preview: You can watch our Book Preview video below.
    Stock: 99980 available
    Quantity in Basket: None

    It hardly matters that this astounding book of band patterns is in Estonian. The pictures and printing are of extremely high quality. Each of the over 200 intricately patterned antique bands is accompanied by a clear multicolored draft of the pattern that matches the pattern colors of the band itself. Each band has a page to itself, including a photograph of the front and back sides of each band, in a pleasing uniform layout from page to page. A centimeter scale accompanies each band so you can see exactly how many threads there are per centimeter in each original piece. Towards the beginning of the book several methods of weaving are clearly photographed along with the equipment that is used. A few older photographs at the beginning of the book depict these beautiful bands in use in a variety of ways. This is truly a miraculous treasure chest of material that would otherwise only be available if you travel to Estonia and do extensive museum research.