Reflections from a Flaxen Past: For Love of Lithuanian Weaving

    Reflections from a Flaxen Past: For Love of Lithuanian Weaving
    Author: Kati Reeder Meek
    Details: Penannular Press International, 2001. 11.5" x 8.5", hardcover, 202 pp.
    Stock: 99996 available
    Quantity in Basket: None

    This beautiful book covers an unusually broad scope of topics relative to the intensely rich heritage of Lithuanian weaving. After a fascinating introduction to Kati's involvement in the Lithuanian culture, we get to meet numerous Lithuanian individuals who have carried on the weaving tradition from centuries past, through personal interviews and plentiful photographs, of the people and extensive details of the textiles they create for their pattern-rich national costumes. The book includes a treasure trove of rescued old photographs from the early 1900s showing all processes of turning flax into fabric. The back section of the book includes charted weaving designs as well as detailed instructions for growing, processing and weaving with your own flax. This book contains wonderful reading, in addition to its instructional value.