Praktisk Vävbok (Practical Weaving Book)

    Praktisk V&auml;vbok <i>(Practical Weaving Book)</i>
    Full title: Praktisk Vävbok: Tillägnad den idoga Svenska kvinnan (Practical Weaving Book: Dedicated to the industrious Swedish woman)
    Author: Nina V. Engeström
    Details: Facsimile printed by Elanders Tofters AB, 2005. 5" x 9.75", hardcover, 82 pp.
    Stock: 99994 available
    Quantity in Basket: None

    This reprint of a Swedish book of drafts from the late 1800s is a real treat. There are a few pages of Swedish text in the front and back, but the 50 pages in the middle contain threadings, treadlings and tie-ups including several 6-shaft weaves and over 150 8-shaft twill variations. A pocket in the back cover includes three folded sheets of larger drafts. This book is of historical interest in addition to being a good resource for weavers.